Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life changes

It seems like life is changing so fast! In just 5 short months, my sweet little Andrew will arrive, and in 9 months, I should be done with both of my undergrad degrees! Time is just flying by!!

It also seems to be sneaking up on me, lol. I can't seem to catch up on anything, but I'm okay with that for now. Admittedly it adds a little stress, but it's nothing I can't deal with :-)

For some reason it has just really hit me this week that it's coming so fast. Maybe it has to do with the fact that next week I'll be halfway to meeting my baby boy. AHHHH! :-D I have really got to start working more on his nursery. Seriously. Really soon. We've gotten almost everything taken out of the room that will be his, but nothing past that. At least we have a theme....that's a start right? Haha...

I'll leave you with a few photos to really show how fast time is flying...

This is from week 5...way back in July. About the size of a grain of rice.

And this is week 16 at the beginning of October!! Already 5 oz!

Now, 3 weeks later, he has grown to about NINE oz! Holy moley! He's just gonna be here before I know it!


  1. i'm just excited you're having a baby! it's been like 10yrs since we seen each other! a visit is long over due!

  2. Yes it is! We must plan one soon!! Maybe you can come for the baby shower?! :-)
