Thursday, January 20, 2011

2011: A Year in Advance

I heard something on the radio yesterday morning that made me think a bit. I was listening to New Life 91.9 on my way to work (in a HUGE traffic backup), and the female morning host (Erica, I believe) was talking about her friend. This friend had made a list of anticipated events of 2011, as if she were writing about them having happened at the end of 2011. This woman was looking forward to the year in faith. This made me think about what was going to happen to me in 2011. My heart swelled with happiness and thankfullness for all the things God has blessed me with, and the blessings to come this year. I wanted to share with you what made my heart sing all throughout the day. I posted a "2010: A Year in Summary" at the end of 2010, so here is my 2011 list, in advance.

Starting my new job
Okay, so this has already happened....but it is still something I am very thankful for. It is only part-time right this second, but it is at a wonderful company, and I'm working with some really great people. I am still in training, but I am anticipating loving what I will be doing.

Gestational Diabetes
This may not be something I'm thankful for, but this is a major happening in my life. I am thankful that I have been controlling my blood sugars well in the last week. I am working on adjusting, and hopefully it will continue to get easier in the next few weeks.

Finishing the house
I cannot WAIT to get all the remodeling done in our house! We (well, mostly the hubby) has been working SO hard on getting the house ready for the baby. It's going to look amazing, and it is definitely getting there. It will be a relief to have it done.

The arrival of Baby Andrew
This will by far be the most amazing thing of my entire life, not just this year!!! At some point, most likely in March-ish (lol), my life will change even more than it has already. I am so so so so so so excited about this. I have been waiting on my baby boy to be here for so long now, it seems like forever. It makes my heart melt to think about meeting my sweet thing in person. The depths of my feelings can't even be put into words. It is the most amazing blessing in the whole world.

It's about time!! Lol...It seems like I have been going to school forEVER and I'm so glad I'm going to be done this year. It won't be until around the first week of July, but I'm sure that it will be here before I know it.

Starting job full-time
I hope to get a full-time offer from my new job once I graduate. I love working there part-time for now, but I will really enjoy working there full-time. I would love to begin my career there, and I hope to be there for a good long time.

Learning to be a mother and growing in that role
What an amazing journey I am starting on! I am quite sure I will need a lot of help on this journey, but I am so lucky to have a great husband, a super supportive family, and great friends. I want to be the kind of mother that my son can look up to and can say that I have blessed his life.

Look at that list of (mostly) wonderful things that are happening this year!! It makes me want to cry happy tears! :'-) I hope that my advance review has blessed your day as much as mine was blessed. What are you looking forward to in faith for 2011?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 31

Okay, so I'm a bit late getting this up, it's been super busy this week! Only 9 weeks left!!!!!!

Andrew is still in the weird-looking squash stage. (I can't wait for a new fruit.) He is SOOOO active in there! I have not even been doing my kick counts because he is moving so much. He will get to kickin and rollin around and will keep going for 30 minutes or more. He definitely has distinct patterns of sleeping and being awake. And I can feel knees/elbows/other body parts sticking out sometimes. I'm pretty sure I could feel his little butt this afternoon. It was too cute! Lol :-)

This week he should be around 18 inches tall and 3.5 lbs!! So big! All 5 of his senses should be fully developed by now. He can't actually smell anything yet, since air is needed for smell, but his nose (and ears, eyes, etc) is all ready for his arrival into the world. His ears have developed to where he can hear distinct sounds such as different voices, music and other noises, as opposed to just general vibrations of sound. His brain connections are also rapidly developing, and he can perceive and process all kinds of information. Basically the big thing that is still developing (other than his brain) is still his lungs.

I have had quite a week. I had my first appointment with the diabetes specialists. I am working on adjusting to my new diet and to checking my blood sugar. I'm doing pretty well, only a few bad measurements so far.

I also had 2 baby showers this weekend! They were so much fun, and I am so glad that I got to spend time with such great family and friends. Andrew is well stocked on clothes and he got lots of other good stuff too :-) I am so thankful that he got such nice gifts!  I love them all :-D

I also had my regular OB appointment. The doctor said I'm measuring right on target, and he had no concerns. I go back again in 2 1/2 weeks this time instead of a month. I had really hoped that I could schedule an ultrasound soon, but the doctor said that I won't get one until closer to the end. Booo :-/ Maybe the next doctor I see will let me have one sooner....

I keep getting comments on how low I'm carrying....and it's true. I can definitely feel him pretty low down in my abdomen, and when I compare my pictures with pictures of friends, Andrew is definitely sitting lower than most. I'm not having much trouble breathing, I think because he's so low. Heartburn is still a little difficult, but not so terrible this week. I guess it comes and goes. I'm pretty tired, but less tired since I've been taking the iron supplements. They've definitely helped. I'm not terribly uncomfortable, but I can't really bend over very well anymore, lol! I've still only gained about 17 or so pounds (as of about 5 days ago), but that belly is poking out and getting in the way :-)

The last development of this week....I started a NEW JOB!! I am super excited about it, and I think it's going to be really great. It's at Liberty Mutual, and I'll be doing short-term disability claims. So far, it seems that it's a very interesting job, and LM is a fantastic company to work for. I hope this will be a place I can stay for a while :-)

Well, that's all I've got for this week. I will leave you with some pictures from this weekend:

The crown says "New Mom To Be", at Sunday's shower

The pile from Saturday

Me with one of the bows on my head....yeah I'm crazy :-P (And my sister laughing at me, lol)

Have a great week everybody!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ice Day & Back to Work

Well, Monday was a beautiful snow day, but then the ice came. I got to stay home again Tuesday, but it was an Ice Day, not a Snow Day. There was still lots and lots of snow on the ground, but it was all covered in a sheet of ice about a quarter of an inch thick. Yuck! Not to mention, the roads were TERRIBLE! I tried to get to work, hubby even agreed to drive me, but that turned into a massive FAIL! We didn't even make it out of the neighborhood, lol! So we came right back home :-)

It was really nice to have 4 days off in a row! I haven't had that in a loooooooong time. I was super productive at the house. All of my kitchen cabinets got cleaned out, organized, and cleaned inside and out. Yay nesting! Lol....The rest of my kitchen also got sparkly clean....of course it got a little dirty now, but that's okay. I've got another weekend coming up to get it back to sparkly, and to start on my living room.

As nice as it was to have 4 days off, going back to work sucked! I didn't really sleep in for that long on my days off, but getting up early and having to go to work and not being able to rest on the couch when I got tired....made for a long day. But it's all good, and I got back in the swing of things by Thursday.

Well, that's about it, and it's time to head to work. Yay for Friday! I'll be posting later today on week 31 (already?!?!) and also about my first full day of living with and controlling my gestational diabetes.

Have a great day y'all!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

It's snowing like crazy!!! This is what it looked like outside my house at 6 am this morning:

The first is out my front door, the second is the accumulation on the dog house on the deck. We've already gotten about 2 inches or so, and they say that we will get 5-8 inches total!!

School has been cancelled for today, yay! I didn't want to start back to school yet. Maybe it'll get cancelled tomorrow too, so I don't have to go to school at all this week! Lol!

I'm also not going to work today! Hubby took my 4 wheel-drive, so I have no way to get there in the "treacherous" road conditions ("treacherous" is according to all the weather people).

So what am I going to do today? Well, I will probably continue on my weekend project of attacking the dirt and clutter in my house. I spent most of this weekend working on my kitchen and living room. I have gotten rid of so much crap, and it feels great! I have used my (awesome) new Dyson vacuum so many times it's crazy. Of course, that's mostly because construction dust and etc continually get tracked through the downstairs, so I have to clean up after that. But I love my new vacuum so I don't mind! :-) I feel like it's still not done though, even though I worked most of the weekend on it. I am probably being a perfectionist, but I want my house to be spotless when people start coming over in March once Andrew gets here. Maybe I'll finish it up today and move to the laundry area and bathroom.

I hope to be really productive today, (and maybe even get in a nap since I'm up so early, lol) and I guess I'll head back to work tomorrow. (If I have to...haha) I hope everyone has a safe and fun snow day!

Friday, January 7, 2011

3/4 of the way to Andrew! (30 weeks)

Only 10 more weeks to go!!!

This week, not much new is happening. Little Andrew is continuing to finish developing his organs and systems, depositing fat, and getting big. He's somewhere around 16-17 inches tall, and about 3 lbs. From now on, he'll be putting on about a half pound per week. The main thing that is happening in week 30 is his brain development. His formerly smooth brain is getting all wrinkly, which makes room for all those smarts and brain matter to form. He's gonna be a smartypants! :-) Another important step--he is making his own red blood cells. He is also starting to regulate his own body temperature. This means that he is starting to shed the lanugo as well. And he is growing fingernails. I'm sure those won't be so cute when they're scratching me later after he's here. Lol! He is also getting stronger and stronger by the day. He has some pretty powerful kicks and punches these days. But I still don't mind, I love feeling him in there!

There is lots going on with me this week. The big one (in case you somehow missed it): I failed my 3 hour glucose test, so now I have Gestational Diabetes. You can read my last post to see more on that. Another issue: I have low iron. I just started taking an iron supplement last night, so I hope that will help me. I have been feeling sooooooooooo tired, and I think that has something to do with it. So if I get my iron levels back up, then maybe I won't be quite as tired. That would be nice, seeing as how I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!!

I am having a freak-out kind of day, thinking about everything that I have going on, and how little time it seems like I have to do it in. I know that it will all be okay, and I'm taking solace in making my lists. (In case you don't know me very well, I am an OBSESSIVE list maker. It makes me feel better to have a list, even if I can't do everything on it right then.) There is just so much left to do. Aaaahhhhh!!

I know this post is kind of short compared to most of my weekly preggo posts, but I've got too much on my mind to sit still long enough to write anything more!! I'll try to do better next week :-)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Results: 3 hour glucose test



Therefore, I now have Gestational Diabetes.

What does this mean?
It means my body doesn't process glucose (sugar) correctly and my blood sugar levels were too high. I have diabetes, but since it's gestational, it should go away after Andrew gets here. There is a good overview article on WebMD for anyone who wants to know more details.

So now I have to go see the specialists at the Diabetes Center at some point. I'm waiting on them to call me with an appointment time. They will help me get started on managing GD. Most women are able to control it with a combination of diet and exercise. I will also have to check my blood sugar several times a day. The specialists will help me figure out what foods I should be eating, what kinds/how much exercise I should be donig, and how many times I should check my sugar. They will also decide if I need insulin or not. I highly doubt that though. Most don't need insulin unless the baby is getting too big. I really just don't want to have to prick my finger all those times. Ugh! I will get through it's all for Andrew!

I also have to go to the OB doctors more often. And get more ultrasounds! Yay ultrasounds! I really really really want a new 3D picture of him, but I wasn't supposed to get any more ultrasounds, but now I get several more! I can't wait to see his little face! It should be fully formed by now, and it's going to be so sweet!! They will be doing the ultrasounds to check his size, making sure that he's not getting to big, and also to check the placenta, making sure that it is not quitting any functions too early. If he gets too big or they have concerns about the placenta, they could induce up to 2 weeks early. I really hope they don't though, I'd really like him cooking in ther as long as possible.

I have already started trying to eat really healthy. I'm going to do everything possible to make sure he's healthy and comes at the right time. I just started taking my iron pills, so hopefully I will soon have the energy to exercise too.

I'll know more about everything after my next OB appointment (the 14th) and after I see the diabetes specialists!

What my son will never know.....

I found an interesting article about things that my son may never know. These items/concepts will be outdated by the time he grows up, so here's what he and other 2011 babies are going to miss out on! Enjoy :-)