Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another week gone by

It has already been 18 weeks!! I can hardly believe that I'm getting so close to halfway through this pregnancy! Only 155 days left...holy crap, that's only 5 months!! It is flying by :-D

Baby Andrew is this big?! He is the size of a sweet potato, but supposedly my uterus is the size of a cantaloupe! HUGE! All kinds of cool stuff is happening with him this week. According to The Bump, he is "amazing mobile"...no kidding! I can feel him move a lot, and he moves the most in the evening, from around 5-ish until about 8-ish. And I can feel him kick sometimes throughout the day too. He is also in there "yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing." Lol, how cute! I have read that I will be able to feel him hiccuping, but so far I haven't. I'm not sure how it would feel different from other movements. Other cool things this week (from various other sites): he can make facial expressions, his taste buds are developing, and his eyes are sensitive to light (so if I shine a bright light on my belly, he will turn away). Pretty darn cool! I also think its pretty cool to know how well his hearing is developing. By now, his ears are fully developed and he should be able to hear noises from the outisde world, and to distinguish my voice :-) I also read that it's good for him to hear the dogs barking now, because later he will be able to sleep through them barking since he will be used to hearing them! Woohoo!! One less sleep-related issue to worry about, lol!

I have been feeling SO much better lately! I don't really have many yucky first-trimester symptoms left, and haven't started the new yucky ones yet :-) No more nausea, but no heartburn yet! (Knock on wood!!!) I still haven't gotten rid of this exhaustion, though. I really wish I would get that "burst" that gives everybody all that energy! Oh well, I'll just keep on truckin' till I do :-) I'm apparently pretty hormonal too...I had a little crying fit this weekend at my in-laws (and felt kinda bad about it afterwards). Okay, so maybe I'm really hormonal. Lol!

Have a fantastic day everyone! Also--Happy birthday to one of my best friends in high school, Chief!!! :-D

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