Monday, October 4, 2010

He has a name!

We have settled on a name for Baby Boy....

Andrew Curtis McEntire

We both really like that name (a first, lol). It is a solid, strong name that isn't too popular or strange. It is the name of 2 presidents, the first disciple of Jesus, and really it just seems like it fits. We wanted to give him a name that he could live up to and achieve greatness with.

The idea for his name actually came from my mother-in-law. She has been giving us a "name of the day" for several weeks now. It has been pretty funny, in fact. Some of the names we didn't like, some of them we liked okay, and this one we really loved. Curt like this one better than I did at first, but it really grew on me, and as I thought about it, it really felt like his name.

Just wanted to share the news :-)