Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's a........


Surprise!! We had been thinking for several weeks now that it was going to be a girl.....but obviously not! At my last ultrasound (the first trimester screening), the ultrasound tech said she believed it was going to be a girl. She did say that it could be wrong, but I got my mind wrapped around girl, so I have been thinking about everything girl. Girl names, girl nursery themes, girlgirlgirl! So, imagine our surprise when we hear "Well, it's definitely a boy!" Um...what?! I'm pretty sure I laughed out loud, but I can't really remember, haha. Now we get to compeletely change gears!

Back to the ultrasound...It was so amazing! Our little man is already super active! I think we may be in trouble when he makes his debut into the world, haha!! When we started he was moving around quite a bit, and then he got tired of us looking at him. He decided to show us his butt. Literally. He moved around to where all we could see was his butt and the back of his legs, it was so funny! The u/s I was having was a level II, so we got to see all kinds of stuff. We could clearly see his bones, which was really cool. We also looked in depth at his blood flow, his heart, and his head/brain. He's already smart, I can tell :-) We got to look at his stomach and bladder and all kinds of other stuff that was pretty neat. I got some great photos of him. One of my favorites is of him laying down and you can see his spine and everything. My other favorite is a shot of his foot, and you can clearly see all of his bones and his toes! The 3-D photos are awesome too. In those, it looks like he is laughing his little head off! It's so adorable! LOVELOVELOVE

One of the funniest parts of the whole visit was when we heard about him being a boy. I laughed, and had a sweet little tear in my eye, and a rush of love in my heart :-). My hubby looked at me and said "Oohhhh, yeah!" like he was so proud of himself! Lol!!!! It made me laugh even harder! Really though, he was so proud that we're having a boy! He's already making plans for him to be a race car driver and a football player and a basketball player, haha! Oh, and don't forget about him cutting the grass. And he's started practicing giving him the hairy eyeball for those time (few and far between of course, hehehe) that he'll misbehave. Hahaha!

We are just so excited and we can't wait to find just the right name for him.

Have a great day!

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