Thursday, April 7, 2011


I have seriously neglected my blog recently! So sorry!! I have been so consumed with my sweet Andrew that I have had NO time or energy to write. To update what has been going on in the McEntire household:

-Andrew is doing so great! He is growing like crazy, and I dislike it! Lol....I don't want him to get big, he is so sweet like he is now. Although it would be nice to get some sleep...oh well!  He is eating about every 3 hours or just over. He is up to around 3 1/4  oz at every feeding. He sleeps for about 3 hours at a time, with one longer stretch at night sometimes. He was getting a 5 hour stretch for a couple of nights, but we reverted back to only 3 hours at a time.
-Thank God for my mom coming over during the day and letting me get some sleep :-)
-We have his 1 month appt next has this come so quickly?!?!?
-I have about 3 lbs to go and I'll be back at my pre-pregnancy weight. Now if only I looked like I did pre-pregnancy....oh well...maybe soon!
-Andrew apparently has a sensitive belly. He spits up a lot and cries a lot when he is trying to poop. Mylicon works miracles. His belly has greatly improved since I have started using that.
-My little man is really the sweetest thing ever! He loves to cuddle with his momma, and his momma loves to let him :-)
-He sleeps in the bed with us for now. It is so far the ONLY way he will sleep at night. During the day, I'm having some success getting him to sleep in his pack-n-play, so I hope to transition him into that at night, and from there move to the crib. This may be a long process, but I'm okay with that.
-I know that some of you want to hear our birth story, and I am working on that. It's a long one, and I can only type a little at a time, and sometimes only using one hand, haha!
-I have so many pictures to upload but I haven't had time to get them together in an album and sorted out to get them uploaded.

So, long story short, we are surviving, doing well, and loving life :-)


  1. You are right, gas drops work miracles. Will he sleep in his swing? Get him out of your bed soon or he'll be there till he's 2! I know you want him tiny forever, but they are so much fun when they can roll over, sit up, and crawl too :) You will enjoy each stage as it comes!

  2. He's not a huge fan of the swing so far....I am working on getting him out of the bed though for sure. I do want him to stay tiny but I know he can't, and the other stages will be just as sweet :-)
