Friday, April 15, 2011

Back to work :-(

This has been a sad week. I had to go back to work on Wednesday. I miss my baby boy so much!!! At least I only have to work Monday/Wednesday/Friday for now.

Tuesday night was really rough, I only got probably an hour of sleep combined. He was really needy and wanted his momma. It warms my heart even as it completely drains me of all semblance of energy. Last night was pretty good though, he had a 4 hour stretch of sleep again! Who'da thunk I'd be excited about 3 hours of sleep! Haha!!

I am working really hard at getting him on a consistent schedule. I have started trying to make sure to wake him up every 3 hours during the day, and trying to keep him awake after every other feeding. I'm hoping that this will help him sleep at night, and hopefully sleep longer. I'm willing to try almost anything! Lol....I'll let you know how that works for me, it's only the 2nd day now. If you have any suggestions, feel free...

The reflux medicine that the doctor gave Andrew seems to be working. **Knock on wood** He has not been so upset in the afternoons/evenings, and he is pooping more consistently. Seriously, the kid is a pooping machine!!

Even though being back at work means being away from my sweetie, coming home is the best part of my day! He recognizes my voice and looks for me when I come in and start talking. It is so sweet! And it makes it easier to be away from him knowing he's in such good hands. We are very lucky that both sets of grandparents live close by and his Mimi and Nana take care of him on the days I have to work. I'm so thankful that he can stay with someone he knows and doesn't have to go to daycare. Of course, I'd love to stay home with him, but that's just not something we can do right now. So, he gets some quality family time :-)

I also had my post-partum doctor's appointment this week. They take that post-partum depression  stuff seriously! I think between the nurse and the doctor, I got asked how I was emotionally and if I had enough support about 15 times. It's great that they do that though, because I know it's a problem for many women, but thankfully I could report no problems and lots of support. Also, I'm now cleared to get back to running!! I can't wait to run again. I also plan (in my spare time, ha!) to get back to my other blog, Erin's Fit Life. Lastly, we talked about me getting Mirena. My doctor thinks that's a great option, and it seems like it to me too. Anybody love/hate it?

That's it for today...Andrew's almost asleep so it's bedtime! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

  1. Awe girl, going back to work does offically SUCK! But you have it good to only be going for a few days :) It will get easier and easier!! I have the mirena and I love far. I got it back in January and haven't had any trouble. The only thing I will say is that a big selling point for me was that I THOUGHT I wouldn't have a period, well I still do. And its been um well only 4 months and they say most usually after 3. So we'll see what actually happens. But other than that, I say GO for it! It's saving you money and worry with having to take a pill. Now, post some pictures of that sweet little boy!
