Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 36

Only 28 days! I am anxiously anticipating the day we welcome Baby Andrew into the world! I want to meet him so badly, and hold him in my arms. Now that we've gotten his nursery ready for him, he is welcome to make his debut :-)

In week 36, my little man should be 20" to 20.5" tall and weigh around 6 lbs. He is definitely head down, and rolling around like crazy! He gets hiccups all the time, and sometimes I think it makes him mad which is really funny. It's like he gets frustrated and starts thrashing around like crazy. So cute! As far as development, his growth is starting to slow so that he doesn't get too big and so that he can store up energy for delivery. Also for the ease of delivery, his bones and cartilage are still soft and his skull bones are not fused together yet. I might beg to differ on that, his knees and elbows feel pretty sharp to me, haha!! His digestive system is not perfected yet, but it's as done as it's gonna get in there. Since he can't use it yet, it won't start perfecting until he gets here and starts using it. It actually doesn't finish perfecting until a year or two after he is born. So, the only things left developing are his lungs! He is so close to being ready :-D

Friday was a busy busy day for me. I had a half day of work, and then i had my OB appointment and a diabetes appointment. I saw my most favorite doctor, I love her to death and I'm crossing my fingers that she will be on call when I deliver! Of course, I know that may not happen, so luckily I have liked most of the other doctors in the practice that I've seen. This week was my test for GBS, which tests for a bacteria that many women have. The purpose of that is to be able to administer antibiotics during delivery so that the baby doesn't get it, so it's not really a big deal, it just gives you some info to be used later. The best thing that happened at this appointment was that I can get an ultrasound next week! I am SO happy about that!!! I can't wait to see my little one's precious face! Now I get to go back to the OB every week until I deliver, and starting next time (the same appt as the ultrasound) internal exams start to see if I am dilated or effaced at all. It doesn't really mean much unless I'm really dilated or effaced, since you could be slightly dilated/effaced for weeks. But they do it, so whatever. The diabetes appointment went well also. The nutritionist is happy with my blood sugars, and especially happy about my fasting blood sugars, which have been really good. I have an occasional high blood sugar after lunch or dinner, but nothing drastic. I may not even have to go back if my sugars are still good in two weeks when I'm supposed to go back. Hopefully that will be the case!

So much is going on with me this week, I don't even know where to start. I am SO exhausted. It is really hard to sleep because it is so uncomfortable and I just hurt by the end of the day. My feet and back hurt, and my hips are killing me! My hips hurt for a couple of reasons -- of course the relaxin hormone is making them hurt, but also Andrew has settled back into that spot he liked so much in the late 1st tri/early 2nd tri right on top of a nerve. My heartburn is FEROCIOUS! Some days, it doesn't even matter that I took medicine, it feels like I am on fire. It doesn't help that I am also really hungry all the time! Since eating is difficult with heartburn....oh well! Another all the time thing....high-tailing it to the potty! Holy crap I constantly have to pee....and sometimes the urge hits suddenly and I HAVE. TO. GO. NOW! Lol! At least if I'm at home, it's not a big deal, but if I'm at work or out somewhere, I've got to get to a bathroom quick. On top of that, the waddling slows me down trying to get there, haha! It's kind of hard to get around, and I definitely can't fit through small places or get anywhere fast. My swelling is slowly increasing as well, but it's still not too bad. I feel like my feet look like sausages by the end of the day, and I'm afraid to take off my wedding band now because I'm afraid it won't go back on. One thing I'm slightly disappointed about is that my belly button is STILL not popped out...haha! I was really hoping it would, and I have no idea why. Although it is surrounded by tons of stretch marks......hopefully they'll fade quickly. The Braxton-Hicks have continued, but I'm not getting them every day like I was, thank goodness. I think I did have one real contraction, because it took my breath away! But it was just the one, and I haven't had any more like that one.

On a positive note: The nursery is DONE!!!!  OMG I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT! It is beyond adorable and it looks so great!! I'll be posting some pictures of it soon. With the nursery being done now, nesting has set in full force, and I have been going crazy trying to organize and go through all the baby stuff. I'm sure it drives the hubby crazy, but he'll get over it :-) I will post pictures soon!

Wow, this has been a long post! But I had a lot to say, and I think I got everything in....I'm a little forgetful, so if I forgot something, I'll put it in next week's post :-)

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