Wednesday, February 16, 2011

35 & 35!!!

Another milestone this week: 35 weeks down, 35 days to go!! 35 DAYS?!?!?!?! When did this day get here??? It seems like just yesterday we found out that our sweet one was on the way, with 35 weeks to go. Now it's almost time! Everything is going so fast, and so slow at the same time.

Andrew should be clocking in at around 5-5.5 lbs and between 16 and 20 inches. He's getting so close to birth size! The last few things he is putting the finishing touches on: lungs, immune system, nervous system, and fat deposits. He should be about 15% body fat right now, and is supposed to end up around 30% by birth. I think it's kind of strange that his head is still soft though. I mean, I know it's for a good reason (so he can enter the world a little easier) but it just seems weird. That's pretty much it for him this week. He's still moving like a champ, delivering some pretty good punches every once in a while, lol. I'm sure he can't wait to make his debut and meet his momma! :-)

Now if I can stay awake long enough, I will attempt to update on everything else happening this week. First of all, I am exhausted. Completely, utterly exhausted. As in I could fall asleep standing up. Any time of day. I'm having a hard time sleeping at night, because I have to keep getting up to pee, and I can't get comfy. I have trouble getting comfy when I'm awake too. Sitting at work, in the car and etc is uncomfortable, and I can't walk for very long without being pretty uncomfortable. Blah. I feel like I'm just complaining, but I want to be honest about how everything's going, so there it is. Being tired also makes me more emotional than usual. Case in point: I was watching NCIS and boohooed when somebody died. Also, I got pretty pissed when I couldn't get anybody to call me back from the car place. I was on the verge of raising my voice and really wanted to start yelling, and might have if I hadn't been in the office at the time. Soooooo yeah....emotional!

Another annoying thing is that I have to pee like every 30 minutes. I really hate having to get up from what I'm doing all the time, but when ya gotta go, ya gotta go! Unfortunately, I am also super thirsty so I have to keep drinking water. And if I don't, I swell up. I'd rather have to pee. :-P

Other fun stuff.......heartburn hasn't been too bad this week, thankfully. Forgetfulness and clumsiness are in full effect. Not that they weren't before, lol, now they're just worse. Also, Braxton Hicks are getting to be a daily occurrence. I notice them especially when I move around too much, late in the day or when I get stressed out. It's hard to not get stressed though, with as much as I have going on.

And to top it all off, my car is STILL not fixed. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I could go on and on about the whole situation, about the "mechanic" that "fixed" it the first time, about how freaking long it's taking, about how annoying it is to not get a call back, about how stupidly expensive it is to get a car worked on, about how tired I am of driving the big truck, about how I just want my car back...I could continue but I won't. I'll end my little tirade by just saying that I'm super annoyed with it all.

So, that sums up week 35, now I'm gonna chill until time to make dinner, and hope that I don't fall asleep!


  1. I'm also 35 weeks & know exactly what your going through!! I feel like the majority of my day is spent peeing & bedtime--yuck, I don't even want to go there! hahah! Well I can't believe we are getting so close to delivery... did you take any birthing classes??

  2. I know, it's so close!! I did take a birthing class that was offered by the hospital. It was interesting to say the least, lol! I think my hubby was grossed out too, which was funny. Have you done any?
