Thursday, February 17, 2011

February Challenge Days 6-9

Day 6 was Monday, aka Valentine's Day. The challenge was to do the unexpected. I would say that I did, but it's kind of hard to do on V-day, when loved ones are somewhat expecting the unexpected like gifts and cards and such. I surprised my sweet hubby (who sent me unexpected flowers) with a big cupcake for the occasion. I think that he probably only expected a card, but because of a little thing that happened last week, I thought that a cupcake would surprise him and make him laugh. It's a little inside joke, sorry to not explain but you know how it is to explain an inside's just not as funny when it's explained. success for this day! :-)

Day 7, Tuesday, brought the challenge of writing a letter the old fashioned way, ya know--with pen and paper. Yeah.....I didn't do this one. I'll be honest and say that I didn't have time for this on Tuesday. I had work all day and then a test in my night class so the little time I spent at home between the 2 was spent studying. And afterwards, all I did was come home and go straight to bed. So, maybe I'll try this another day since I didn't get to this week.

Day 8, Wednesday, had a challenge to lighten the load of someone you love. I don't know that this really counts, but I did put some of hubby's clothes into the dryer after he washed them. He normally does his own laundry (yes, I know, I'm a lucky girl for him to do his own, haha), but this night I thought I'd be a little helpful and finish it up for him. So this day I count as a success as well!

Day 9 is today! The challenge today is about food. The forum says "Cook something from scratch, buy something, order take-out...quite simply eat a meal with your special someone." Okay so we all know by now that I am in no way a good cook. So I think I'll go for the simply-eating-a-meal-with-my-hunny part of the challenge. That way I can have a success! :-P I will have to say though that I tried a new recipe last night that I thought was pretty good. (He thought it was a little weird though, lol.) So I must be psychic or something since I attempted this challenge before I even knew about it! Haha, just kidding about the psychic part....

Well there's only 1 day left of the February SITS challenge. Hopefully I can be successful tomorrow in spreading the love :-)


  1. following you from SITS forum....please follow back here

  2. Hey, thanks for following me, I am loving your recaps on days 7-9. Writing a letter the old fashioned way, ha, I wouldn't do that one either. And I totally think helping your husband with his laundry can be considered as lightening his load. Congrats on being psychic and completing day 9 before you even knew you had to do it. Good luck with day 10, 11, 12, and so on.

  3. Somehow I missed out on this challenge but I will enjoy living vicariously through you. :-). Congrats on the baby!
