Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Grown-Up Christmas List

Isn't it strange how our Christmas Lists change as we become adults? In fact, my list has grown to include many intangibles as opposed to things and tangible goods. The things that make me happy in life are no longer toys or dolls or "presents", but family and friends and memories. But don't forget the things like vacuum cleaners and other "house-y" stuff that would have made me cringe as a child, lol! :-) Maybe it's not really strange. I understand that it is a reflection of where we are at in life. As children, the place we are at in life is consumed by figuring out how much time we can spend playing instead of doing homework, and having things to play with. As adult, we are concerned more with life and our house and our family, so those are the things we concentrate on. Of course, there are adult "toys" (don't take that the wrong way....wait for what I mean) as well, such as fast/ expensive cars or motorcycles that some people (not including myself) want. For me, here is a list of what I want for Christmas:

1. For my sweet little baby to be born healthy and happy. I would be happy with nothing else but this. I can't wait to meet my sweet one!

2. A new vacuum cleaner. Lol!

3. For my house remodeling to be finished! My awesome hubby is working so hard on our house, and is doing a wonderful job. I just can't wait for it to be done :-)

4. Graduation! I can't wait to graduate and be done with school! I want to graduate with good grades, and honors, I hope.

5. Cooking skills. I really wish I could cook. Obviously, cooking skills are not something someone can give as a gift, but I just need to practice. Maybe this should be a New Years Resolution instead? Haha

6. For the economy to recover. It makes my heart sad to know that the current situation is causing people and families to hurt, and I can't imagine having to worry about how to provide a Christmas for my children. So many people are in need of a job, and if the economy would spring back, that would help greatly.

7. For my car to work properly. Hopefully this will be solved this week!

8. For my hubby to have a job closer to home. I know this isn't going to change, but I can still wish for it.

That's all I've got for this Christmas!

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