Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Adventures

What a day this has been!


Andrew woke up this morning with a crusty eye :-( I immediately knew it was pink eye because his cousin just came down with pink eye a day or two ago. So, I went ahead and fed him and put him back to bed because I knew we couldn’t do anything about it at 5:00 am.

When we got up again around 9, I decided that I would see about calling his doctor’s office because I knew I had seen somewhere that they had Sunday hours for sick appointments. However, when I called, the recording said that they don’t do the Sunday hours in the summer. Seriously?! Okay, fine….

So, we decided to hit up CVS Minute Clinic. I looked up which one was closest to our house, and off we went. When we arrived, I went to sign us in. On the 2nd screen of the check-in, it said that Minute Clinic doesn’t treat children under 18 months old. Um…seriously?!?! Ugh! Couldn’t they have had that on the website when I looked up locations? Okay, fine…..

I called the doctor’s office back, hoping to talk to the on-call nurse. I pressed the option for that, and got through to the answering service. She asked me a bunch of questions that seemed crazy, and said the nurse would call me back within the hour. This is why I didn’t call them first, because I didn’t want to just sit around and wait for a call back, I wanted this taken care of. So we waited….

The nurse FINALLY called back about 40 minutes later. To summarize the long conversation: 1) They won’t call in a prescription for babies under 3 months old (he’s 2 1/2) 2) She thinks it’s a clogged tear duct, not pink eye, no matter what I say (I guess she thinks I’m dumb or crazy one) 3) He needs to be seen in the next 24 hours 4) Their office won’t be open again until Tuesday 5) Urgent Care won’t be open tomorrow so I need to go today unless I want to wait in the ER tomorrow. So, needless to say, I was pretty irked that the entire phone call and waiting was a waste of our time. So off to Urgent Care we went…

The check-in lady was not very nice. And when she saw his age she had to go to the back to see if they could even see a baby that young. REALLY?!?! Can no one see my child on a Sunday?!?! For freaking PINK EYE?!?!? It’s not like this is a huge medical emergency that needs specialized knowledge! It’s just pink eye! If it didn’t need antibiotics I would have just treated it at home! Ugh!

So, she came back out front and said they could see him (Thank-freaking-goodness), she just had to check with the doctor to make sure he was comfortable seeing him because a lot of Urgent Care doctors don’t like to see babies under 6 months old. Whatever. So, we waited another 30 minutes to even be seen. (The wait time online said 13 minutes…not so much)

Once we got taken back, the nurse was really nice. She weighed him…13 lbs, 4.5 oz! Holy Cow! We have a chunka-monka on our hands!! :-P We went into the room, and she did all the normal stuff like checking temp and heartbeat and such. Oh, and she said they were going to be open tomorrow, so the on-call nurse was wrong. Another reason to think that calling her was a waste of time. So then we waited for the doctor.

The doctor was super nice too. He didn’t once question my judgment, which was nice. He looked at Andrew, checked his ears and nose and throat and lungs and all, and then looked at his eye. He pretty much said, yep, it’s pink eye, let me see what I can give him. So he gave us a prescription to take to the pharmacy. THANK YOU! All of that effort, time, and frustration, and it took a nice doctor about 5 minutes to get us what we needed. If it hadn’t been pink eye, that would have been fine, but I just needed someone to get us some help without having to wait until Tuesday. And thanks to the nice doctor at Urgent Care in Matthews, we got what Andrew needed.

Yay for heading back home! We stopped by CVS and dropped off his prescription to be filled. We got some lunch/dinner (it was 4:00 by now, not really lunch or dinner but we were hungry!), and took that sweet baby home. We fed him and I went back to pick up his medicine. He did so good with it too! It’s an eyedrop, so I was afraid he would try and wipe it out or something but he didn’t even fuss! He’s so good :-)

I thought that once all that drama was over, it would be a good rest of the day…..boy I was wrong!

Andrew was playing on his playmat, and he was staring at/listening to this star that makes music and lights up that he just loves. We velcro it around the playmat arm-thingy’s. Apparently we didn’t velcro it good enough, because it fell off and hit him in the face. :-( It really isn’t big or hard enough to hurt him, but I guess it scared him because he cried and cried like somebody was trying to kill him! Poor thing!!! It broke my heart! It was the first time he had cried like that, and it made me want to cry!! He was inconsolable for probably 10 minutes. Then he wanted his momma to hold him for the next 2 hours. And of course he got what he wanted! I felt so terrible!!

He finally got calmed down, ate again, got his pj’s on, and now he’s fast asleep in bed. I have never been so glad for a day to be done. It has been dramatic and emotional, and I am ready to have a better day tomorrow! Yay – no work!


I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful Memorial Day!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sleep like...a baby?

Hello!! I have been a neglectful blogger lately! Sorry :-)

I heard something on the news this morning that I just have to rant about. I've heard it other places too, and it gets under my skin when I hear it!

It's the phrase "Sleep like a baby".

Really? Have you ever had a baby in your house? The weather lady was talking about how a storm had come through the night before and she was saying that some people woke up with it and others "slept like a baby" right through it.

Last time I checked, babies don't sleep that great! (At least not mine) They sleep maybe 3 hours at a time and even if it's a little longer than that, it's definitely not all night. They have to wake up and eat. Or they just make noise and squirm.

Andrew is 10 weeks old today, and I have yet to get a full night's sleep. Don't get me wrong, I expected to be sleep deprived and I'm not complaining about that. It just irritates me to hear that phrase knowing how crazy a baby's sleep schedule is. So far, he was on a 10pm-4am schedule last week (which was GREAT), and this week his schedule is closer to 8pm-1am and then 2am-5am. I liked last week better. But I know that it will get better, I'm just waiting on that to get here.

So please, if you value my sanity, don't mention anyone sleeping like a baby. Thanks!