My doctor's appointment today went really well. I am about 2cm dilated and still about 50% effaced. I was told last week that we would talk about induction this week, which we did. However, we decided against it for this week. The doctor said that since I'm only 2cm, that I'm not quite the best candidate for induction because I still run too high of a risk of c-section. He said that if I was closer to 4cm then he would feel better about inducing me because my risk of c-section would be decreased. I was disappointed and happy at the same time. I was a little disappointed because I was really hoping that I'd have my sweet Andrew by the end of the week. However, I was happy because I have been really worried about the chance of c-section. It is something that really freaks me out, even though I know lots of people that have had one successfully and had no problems. But personally, it's something that I really would like to avoid unless absoultely, medically necessary. It makes me feel better knowing that the doctor doesn't just send folks over to L & D without taking the risk of surgery into consideration.
Since we decided against induction, the doctor did go ahead and do another thing to try and help labor come on naturally. He "stripped the membranes", which means he separated the amniotic sac from my cervix. Let me just tell you, that was not a fun experience. I'm sure that it's nothing compared with labor, but I'd hate to do that one again. Ha! BUT I'm told that it should start labor in 24-72 hours, so I have my fingers crossed that it'll work!! I can tell that it's doing something, because the crampy contractions that I've been having have changed to being really sharp and pretty painful. They don't quite take my breath away yet, but they're definitely more intense than before. I had some spontaneously throughout the morning and early afternoon after my appointment, and then starting at about 3:00 they have been coming every hour. So, I am really really hoping that they will start getting closer together and stronger so that I can go to the hospital soon! :-) However, if not, I have another appointment next Tuesday and we'll see what happens then! But I hope I have a baby before then!!!
We're waiting and praying for all 3 of you! We can't wait to 'meet' Baby Andrew!!
ReplyDeleteI was hoping my doc would strip my membranes but he didn't and I was to nervous to ask-hahah!
ReplyDeleteWe are still at 1 cm & 50% effaced but I'm actually coming to terms with still being pregnant I mean doc said we wouldn't go over much over my due date I told him I only want to go a couple a days it just freaks me out to go a whole week over... I've heard to many stories but he said we will talk more about that at my 40 week appt (in 12 days) but as for now he will just see me next week!!!
So good luck to you I really hope you get to have ur little one soon!! :)