Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Freakout Moment

So today I had a slight freakout moment......I was reading my pregnancy websites that I read every week to do my weekly-ish posts and saw that I only have........15 weeks left!!!!!
So my moment went like this.....I'm reading the page on 25 weeks...I see that it says some people consider this the start of the 3rd trimester....the voice in my head says wow! 3rd tri already?......then I see the part that says 15 weeks left.....and the voice in my head starts going crazy! It says "Okay Erin 15 weeks left? You are fixing to finalize your shower details, you haven't even registered yet, and the nursery is not done! What are you doing??!?!!?!?!" And then I start almost hyperventilating. (Lol) So I call hubby and tell him I'm going to register this weekend, even though he's working. Then I felt better.

Yes, I'm crazy, I know



  1. Lets not forget to mention...you were talking to me...while freaking out :) haha
