Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged here! Life has just been so crazy that I have slacked off in the blogging area. We have so much going on now. Andrew is now NINE months old - can you believe it?!?! I know I can't. He is totally on the move too. He crawls anywhere he can and if he meets an obstacle he either climbs it or pushes it out of the way. We are in big trouble, lol! He is also pulling up on the furniture so I'm sure that "cruising" will come soon. I expect he's around 20 lbs, but we'll find all that out at his 9 month appointment soon.

Most days I don't have the energy after he goes to bed to do anything as interesting as posting to the blog, haha. Between work, cleaning up, cooking dinner and taking care of Andrew, I'm exhausted! But in a good way :-)

So what else is Andrew up to these days? Well, he has at least 6 teeth (I say at least because it is dangerous to get too close to his mouth to find out, lol!), 2 on the bottom and 4 on top. He LOVES food. He makes hilarious faces with real food like pieces of green beans. He eats anything with bananas in it. He does love fruit, and most veggies are okay. He like chicken, turkey and ham, but is NOT a fan of beef. His favorite dinners are chicken & apples and mac n cheese. He still takes 3-4 bottles each day. We started transitioning to formula at 6 months and were totally switched by 7 months. He loves taking a bath. He would sit there and splash all day long if I'd let him! He also likes to watch Curious George and Cat in the Hat. Mostly he only pays attention to the TV if music is on. He is totally a momma's boy :-) He is finally getting some hair, but it is so blonde it's hard to see, tehehe. He has the bluest of blue eyes which I completely love. Actually, I completely love everything about him! He is the light of my life :-D

I think I covered a lot with a little post....Oh! And he says mama, dada, bubba, yaya and nana!

Be back soon.....maybe ;-)